Cancer Rehabilitation with Bury Physio
Personal Training Sessions with Ben Durham at home.
Alan is retired and currently living with and undergoing treatment for Cancer. Since his diagnosis Alan has been experiencing some of the side effects of treatment (fatigue and muscle mass loss) and has explored different ways to manage these symptoms to maintain a good quality of life.
Alan has a good understanding of the benefits of completing physical activity from speaking to health professionals and doing his own research and is aware of how it supports his mental and physical wellbeing, to manage fatigue and other symptoms.
Exercise helps to keep other health co-morbidities such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes at bay and if an individual has already been diagnosed with such conditions in addition to receiving cancer treatment, exercise helps with the management in addition to appropriate medications.

Alan found that by being active he felt a strong sense of ownership for his health, treatment and fitness goals enabling him to continue the hobbies he enjoys, which happens to include long walks in the beautiful Suffolk countryside.
Alan began completing training sessions at home under the guidance of Personal Trainer Ben Durham twice a week and has not looked back since.
We have received some lovely feedback from Alan following his sessions over the last few weeks.
‘I’m so pleased to have met Physiotherapist Anna and Personal Trainer Ben for an assessment, they have given me so much hope and confidence to be able to complete normal day to day tasks. I am more confident knowing what I can do, as well as how much I should be doing at this stage in treatment, without the fear of hurting myself’.
‘I’m so grateful for all they have done so far, it is really reassuring to know I am in safe hands and feeling the benefits of exercise in a relatively short period of time. It has made a huge difference to both my mental health and physical wellbeing’.
‘Knowing that Ben has been through the same experience in the last 5 years provides an additional level of reassurance and understanding from someone who has experienced this situation. He ‘gets it’ and this has been as valuable as the exercises itself. Ben has helped me to adapt my lifestyle accordingly during this period’.
Exercise and Cancer:
Physical activity is more commonly referred to as the fourth treatment prescribed for those living with Cancer. Creating a tailored routine to support your lifestyle and treatment plan, can bring both short and long-term benefits to our mental and physical wellbeing.
Ben’s plan for Alan has focussed on maintaining cardiovascular fitness and body strength whilst looking to regain some of the muscle mass lost during the treatment. Equipment has included using Kettlebells, a TRX suspension Trainer, Dumbbells, resistance bands and bodyweight movements to create the stimulus required to reach Alan’s goals over the next month or two.
If you are unsure how to approach exercise having been recently diagnosed with cancer, or you are currently undergoing treatment, or have completed medical treatment, we can guide you through activity/exercises to suit your current abilities, whilst working towards your goals for fitness.
Contact the clinic 01284 748200 or email or visit for more details and to book an appointment with Personal Trainer Ben Durham.
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