Pilates in 2020 at Bury Physio

It's not too late to start something new..Consider Pilates to aid flexibility, strength and mobility and balance. Our Physiotherapist lead classes ensure suitability for all. Contact the clinic to find out more about the class timetables.

Pilates Reformers NEW to the clinic

What are they? A Pilates reformer is a specialist piece of equipment that enables you to incorporate Pilates exercises to achieve a more intense workout or functional form of rehabilitation. The equipment sees the user sitting/lying/standing/kneeling on the sliding platform working against a variable resistance of

Managing Osteoporosis…

Osteoporosis is a gradual weakening of bone. Fragility fractures are sudden discrete events you may not even notice (versusarthritis.org). Diagnosed via DEXA scan to establish bone density (speak to your GP if concerned) 500,000 fragility fractures occur in the UK each year Hip, wrist and spinal bones are

Sports massage at Bury Physio

For those aches and pains related to sports or just inactivity (or perhaps just some 'me time' reflexology), Jackie Geatches has the skills to pummel or relax the body

Niggling knee pain when bending, going up/downstairs or a recent ski trip?

8.75 million people in the UK have sought treatment for osteoarthritis/knee pain (versusarthritis.org) About 30–50% of musculoskeletal injuries that present in primary care are tendon and ligament injuries (NICE) Inflammation can be helped with anti-inflammatory medication and Rest, Ice, Compression. We can assess whether you have an arthritic

The Watson Technique Explained…

The Watson Headache® Approach involves a series of gentle pressures applied slowly to each of the upper three spinal segments. It looks complicated, but our Specialist Physiotherapist  Carol Ellis will guide you through this treatment to produce the best outcome for you.   Relevancy of C1-3 Afferents According to the

Acoustic Neuroma

An area of Physiotherapy that requires specialist training. It blends elements of neurological physiotherapy in the musculoskeletal field and can improve day to day balance issues. If you have any dizziness/balance issues, we ask you speak to your GP prior to seeing Jane to ensure you



Maynewater Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2AB | 01284 748200 | admin@buryphysio.co.uk
