Facilities at Bury Physio…Gym, rehabilitation, exercise, reformers, mat based pilates…
Make use of our facilities, classes and prehabilitation/fitness skills
Make use of our facilities, classes and prehabilitation/fitness skills
An area of Physiotherapy that requires specialist training. It blends elements of neurological physiotherapy in the musculoskeletal field and can improve day to day balance issues. If you have any dizziness/balance issues, we ask you speak to your GP prior to seeing Jane to ensure you
If you experience headaches, contact the clinic to book an appointment with Specialist Physiotherapist Carol Ellis. Here she explains more
Cording, otherwise known as Axillary web syndrome can occur after biopsy or lymph node removal. Norma scar tissue from surgery can also contribute to cording. It looks like and feels like a thick band of rope or cording that can travel the length of the
YOU ARE INVITED . . . Bury Physio, are hosting an educational talk aimed at Physios regarding pain management and chronic pain with BMI St Edmund's Hospital's Dr Mark Sanders. Dr Sanders is a Consultant in Anaesthetics & Pain Management at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital Trust and
For tendon and plantar fasciitis issues, shockwave treatment can really provide a change in your symptoms. Book with a Physio to find out more.
Acupuncture is effective for pain relief, muscle spasm and other conditions. Contact the clinic to find out more about this type of treatment.
Are you newly diagnosed with Parkinson's disease or know anyone who is? Are you stuck to know what the best way to exercise is that will help keep you active?? PD Warrier classes available at Bury Physio Contact the clinic for more information and to book an introduction
The 'Gently does it' exercise class with Gertrud When: Tuesday 12.30-1.30pm
As we start a new year, many people will be looking at setting new year resolutions and/or fitness goals, planning events and activities or holidays and doing general life admin. Investing in our health is becoming a priority as we live longer. Many of us want
Maynewater Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2AB | 01284 748200 | admin@buryphysio.co.uk