Gait and Motion Conference September 2024

Physiotherapist Anna Clayton is at the @gaitandmotionclinics conference at the NEC today. There is a great line up of speakers who use the foot scan and Phitts 3D Orthotics technology as part of their clinical assessments and treatment. Keep an eye out for more use in

Sport Massage Appointments Available

If you have been channeling your inner Olympian these last 2 weeks with some Herculean gardening, sporting activities or a maybe a few marathon stints on the sofa watching these near superhuman athletes competing, and you now feel a little achey and tight in your

Strength training for women around menopause age

We run a strength training class for women who are in, or around the menopause. Fitness Instructor Oliver Graham has personal experience of training with heavier weights so he is well placed to guide you through good technique to maximise the benefit of the movements performed. The

Peri-Post Menopause Talks at Bridge Family Hub

***Coming soon! *** One of our Women’s health Physiotherapists, Hayley Jarvill, will be delivering an 8 week course for Bridge Community Church for women going through the peri and post menopause. There will be an introduction session on the 14th August at 9am. There are a few

Yoga Class

New Yoga Class Monday and Thursday evenings with Lizzie Summers Book via the website

Better Balance Group

The class is for all ages, exercises are functional, progressive, non-chair based and tailored for individuals within the group. Aim: to improve balance, posture, strength and confidence. A snap shot of exercises could include: Sit to stand Step ups Variety of Walking practice Standing ball work 8 week course: Week 1- Pre-assessment with

Exercise Class Schedule

Here is our updated Class Schedule for Summer 2024. Our Physiotherapists and Fitness Instructors run a mix of general exercise/fitness classes alongside condition specific rehabilitation classes. The classes cater to a wide range of fitness levels, abilities and mobility. To book online please visit or call 01284

**New Class**

**New Class** Starting from 16th July – contact 01284 748200 or email to book Circuit bootcamp style class in the gym run by Anna Harvey Cardiovascular, mobility and resistance exercises in a circuit that will work the whole body. Aimed at women to improve fitness and strength –

We’re hiring – Physiotherapy clinic hours available

We have Physiotherapy hours available at Bury Physio if you are looking for part time hours, or to add variety to your clinical experience. Why work with us? ?We have an established reputation for quality physio treatment. ?You will have time with patients to provide your evidence based

Osteoporosis Bone Health Class

Did you know we run a specific Bone health class here at Bury Physio? Have you been diagnosed as having Osteoporosis or Osteopenia? Or perhaps you want to know how to exercise correctly as you age to look after your bone density. This class is designed and led



Maynewater Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2AB | 01284 748200 |
