30 Years of Service at Bury Physio for Jane Bos

***WOW!***Jane Bos is Celebrating 30 years of dedicated service to Bury Physio. We are so proud of Jane for her expertise and the hard work she does, the brilliant person she is, and the difference she makes to so many patient's lives across 30 years! We

Bury St Edmunds 5K Your way Nowton Park

We had record attendance for the last couple of months at the MOVE Against Cancer Charity Bury St Edmunds 5kmyourway #5kmyourway More info about Move against cancer charity and Local Macmillan support can be found here and here.     We were joined by Breast Friends CIC CIC and Dr

New Clinic Signage!

We're please with our new Sign courtesy of Coastline Graphics With a new lick of pain, the exterior of the clinic is looking ready for the spring/summer flowers in the window planters. Watch this space!

Mindful Movement Class for pre/mid/post Cancer treatment

Help to get back to your feet with gentle movement and exercise. Mindful Movement Class 3.00-3.40pm Gentle/Mixed Ability Specialist Oncology Rehab Class Led by experienced Oncology Physiotherapist Erica Dyson First 6 sessions funded by My Wish Charity Referrals via Macmillan Navigators at West Suffolk Hospital. Progression Class: Friday 4.00-4.40pm £10

New Strength Class for Peri/Post Menopause Ladies

+++New class+++ Strength training for women at the peri/menopause/post-menopause stage of life. Whether you are on HRT or not, strength training has a multitude of benefits to our musculoskeletal and cardiac systems, as oestrogen levels decline and physiology changes. Led by Fitness instructor Ollie Graham with education

The Defibrillator has been installed!

Our community defibrillator was kindly supported by Havebury Housing Partnership, The Geoffrey Burton Charitable Trust and patients and staff at Bury Physio Clinic. Many thanks to everyone. Supplied by AED Donate, it is available to the local community and emergency services.  

We’re ready for the summer with bunting and flowers!

We have some lovely fresh blue bunting to brighten the clinic, alongside the window boxes and hanging baskets. The clinic continues to offer a range of specialist physiotherapy, sport massage and nutritional therapy services as well as exercise/Pilates classes and personal training sessions.   For more information call



Maynewater Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2AB | 01284 748200 | admin@buryphysio.co.uk
