Inspirational headache and migraine treatments in Australia!
Our headache specialist Carol Ellis has recently returned from Australia after visiting Watson Headache ®Practitioners at their dedicated headache and migraine clinics in Melbourne and Sydney.
‘It was fantastic to be able to spend time in clinic with Roger O’ Toole (Melbourne) and Rob Wallis (Sydney ) and discuss their cases, techniques and treatments. It was a unique opportunity to be able to see how 2 of the most experienced practitioners in Australia in using the Watson Headache ® Approach, are working.

So good to see lots of very happy patients returning at various stages on their journey of having their quality of life significantly improved!
I have found using the Watson headache Approach invaluable in reducing my patients symptoms, if not resolving them completely. I am now inspired to use what I have learnt from Roger and Rob to support my own treatment of patients with these disabling conditions’.
If you would like help with your headaches or migraines please call Bury Physio on 01284 748200 to make an appointment with Carol, or speak to her regarding any questions about treatment.
Alternatively you can book online
For more information about the Watson Headache ® Approach please visit the website below.