10th July 2021
Menopause info part 10:
A 10-part series exploring the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Menopause. Keep an eye out for the next information post…
Treatment options:
- Informed choice – in discussion with your GP/Specialist/Gynaecologist based on your medical history and personal preference
- HRT (oestrogen, progesterone or testosterone replacement via a patch, spray or gel)
- Supplements
- Medication – for managing mood, sweats or anxiety.
- EXERCISE – incredibly important for bone, muscle, and heart health = all over symptom management and general health benefits with the right guidance and programme available via Bury Physio Personal trainer Ben Durham.

- PHYSIOTHERAPY – pelvic floor/bladder retraining
- DEXA Scan to check bone density.
- Local (topical) oestrogen cream or a pessary (inserted vaginally by GP or specialist nurse)
- Ring = a slow-release oestrogen (alternative to pessary)
- Vaginal moisturisers and lubricants (ensure it is water based if using condoms as oil based will dissolve/degrade latex!)
- Lifestyle changes/stress management/Cognitive behavioural therapy
Awareness and education for others – speak to your family members and/or employer if you find that symptoms negatively affect your work or home life.