12th June 2021
Menopause Info part 4:
A 10-part series exploring the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Menopause. Keep an eye out for the next information post…
Exploring Symptoms: Brain Fog:
- Memory and Cognitive function can be affected which has a knock-on effect to confidence levels.
- Concentration – hot flushes affect concentration levels.
- Alzheimer’s/dementia: women>men – studies looking at beta amyloid levels, glucose metabolism and grey and white matter volume in the brain.
- Established Alzheimer’s may be worsened by taking HRT.
- Preventative effect if HRT taken before Alzheimer’s is established/diagnosed.
- Women more likely to develop depression after menopause.

Exploring Symptoms: Skin and hair changes:
Reduction of collagen (a protein found in skin, muscles, tendons, and bone that provides structure and strength). Face creams that claim to improve collagen – are generally ineffective!
Subcutaneous fat reduces under surface of skin.
Reduced melanocytes – skin/sun damage
Increased hair fallout
Iron supplements can help.